Bezhan Chankvetadze

Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Bezhan Chankvetadze is Full Professor for Physical Chemistry and director of the Institute of Physical and Analytical Chemistry at the Tbilisi State University in Tbilisi, Georgia. Between 1991-2005 B. Chankvetadze held research and teaching positions at the Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, University of Münster, Germany and at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan.

B. Chankvetadze has published over 250 research papers in peer reviewed journals, over 30 review papers and book chapters and holds several patents of the former Soviet Union, USA, Germany and Japan. B. Chankvetadze has published one monograph (Capillary Electrophoresis in Chiral Analysis, Wiley&Sons, Chichester, UK, 1997), co-authored one book (Quantitative Determination of Antiepileptic Drugs in Biological Fluids, Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi, Georgia, 1993) and edited one multiautored book (Chiral Separations, Elsevier Science, 2001). He has edited and co-edited many special issues of the journals Journal of Chromatography A, Journal of Chromatography O, Electrophoresis, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis and Journal of Separation Science on various topics of separation science.

B. Chankvetadze has given over 300 presentations as plenary, invited or oral speaker on the international conferences in fields of chirality, electromigration techniques and separation science. Together with editing the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands) B. Chankvetadze is a member of the editorial boards of: 

Electrophoresis (Wiley-VCH)

Journal of Chromatography A (Elsevier)

Journal of Chromatography O (Elsevier)

Journal of Separation Science (Wiley-VCH)

Chirality (Wiley)

Acta Chromatographica (Academia Kiado)

and several other international journals.

B. Chankvetadze is the recipient of “Journal of Chromatography Top Cited Article Awards” in 2005, 2006  and 2010, the recipient of “2006 Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Science Award of Recognition” and and Csaba Horvath Memorial Award of the Hungarian Chemical Society and Connecticut Separation Science Council (USA) (2017).

Prof. B. Chankvetadze is Full Member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences.