Talk Title : Electromigration and spectral techniques in the identification and determination of the microbiome in biological and environmental samples.
Prof. Dr. Bogusław Buszewski is a graduate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland). In 1986 he obtained a PhD degree, and in 1992 a DrSc (habilitation). In 1994, he was appointed professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. He was a scholarship holder of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Tübingen (Germany), and post-doc at the Kent State University (Ohio, USA) as well as a visiting professor at numerous universities in: Europe, Asia, Australia and America. His main scientific interests concern separation sciences (chromatography and related techniques, spectroscopy) (HPLC, GC, CZE, FFF, ICP, MALDI, MS), adsorption, columns and stationary phases, sample preparation, environmental and bioanalysis (-omics, biomarkers), nanotechnology and chemometrics. He is the author or co-author of 16 books (including Bioanalytics-Spinger), numerous patents and over 750 scientific papers (over 32,000 citations, h=81) and a member of the editorial boards of 26 national and international journals. Prof. B. Buszewski is the chairman of the Central European Group for Separation Sciences and the honorary chairman of the Analytical Chemistry Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is an ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Awarded by many national and international institutions and organizations (including multiple honory doctorates).