Talk Title: In-vial thin film microextraction with metal-organic frameworks.
Dr. Verónica Pino got her B.S. in Chemistry in 1997 at Univ. La Laguna (ULL) with Science Graduate Award and Best Dossier in Chemistry. She conducted her PhD research through a prestigious FPU grant, obtaining her title in April 2002 with Doctorate Extraordinary Award. She was also awarded with a Special Mention for Young Researchers from the Canary Government in 2003. She has conducted several stays at prestigious research centers: Wake-Forest University (2000) with Prof. Willie L. Hinze, Canary Institute of Agrarian Research (2002) with Dr. María Fresno, Iowa-State University (2003) with Prof. Daniel W. Armstrong, Université Claude-Bernard of Lyon () with Prof. Alain Berthod, and The University of Toledo, Ohio (2006 and 2008) with Prof. Jared L. Anderson, being included as Adjunct Faculty at the Univ. Toledo 2008-2017.
She has gained prestigious contracts such as “Juan de la Cierva” in 2005- 2008, and “Ramón y Cajal” in 2010-2015, getting then tenure and promoted to Associate Professor (PCD) 2015 – 2018, then promoted to Professor (TU) 2018-2021, and then to Full Prof. since 2022.
She has published so far 128 JCR publications and 30 book chapters. The overall number of citations is ~7300 and the h-index 50. Besides, Dr. Pino has participated in 17 funded projects, the last 6 of them uninterruptedly as PI, being currently the PI of the MAT4LL research group.
She is currently Academic Editor of Analytica Chimica Acta.
Finally, it is important to mention that she has directed 8 PhD students (several with extraordinary awards and international mention), and currently supervises other 7 students.