Talk Title: On the use of nonlinear electrophoresis in microfluidic bioseparations
Director, Microscale Bioseparations Laboratory
Professor and Founding Faculty, Biomedical Engineering Department
Rochester Institute of Technology
Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas is a Professor and a founding Faculty at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Her current research efforts are focused on developing electrokinetic-based microdevices that would answer the needs of a wide array of applications; from cell assessments for clinical/biomedical applications to food safety and environmental monitoring. Her research work has been funded by the NSF, NIH, and other funding agencies in the US and Mexico. She has received research awards from the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the L’OREAL for Women in Science program. She recently received the 2022 Service Award from the AES Electrophoresis Society, the 2021 Board of Trustees Scholarship Award at Rochester Institute of technology. She served as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal ELECTROPHORESIS published by Wiley, and has served as Vice-President and Councilor for the AES Electrophoresis Society. She has published 130+ peer-reviewed research articles, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Dr. Lapizco-Encinas is a strong supporter of undergraduate research, and many undergraduate students working under her guidance have published peer-reviewed journal articles, including first-author publications. She has organized several conferences including the Annual AES Meeting @ Scix and the International Symposium on Electroseparation and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques Meeting. Dr. Lapizco-Encinas received her B.S. and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering in Mexico, and her Ph.D. also in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. Prior to joining RIT, she was a post-doctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories and held positions at Tennessee Tech. in the US, and Tecnológico de Monterrey and CINVESTAV-Monterrey in Mexico.